Home > Education & Reference
Education & Reference
- Almanacs (8)
- Online Almanacs.
- Calculators (7)
- Online calculators and conversion resources.
- Education (33)
- Education resources.
- Encyclopedias (24)
- Online Encyclopedias.
- Genealogy (13)
- Genealogy resources.
- History (368)
- History resources.
- IQ (10)
- Take an IQ test.
- Language (97)
- Dictionaries, thesauri, translators, glossaries and lexicons.
- Law (74)
- Legal reference resources.
- Mathematics (10)
- Math resources.
- Philosophy & Debate (8)
- Logical Fallacies
- Quotes (15)
- Resources on quotations.
- Reference (36)
- Assorted reference resources.
- Science (61)
- Science resources.
- Social Studies (71)
- Culture, Geography, Society
- Time & Date (10)
- Resources about time and dates.
- Urban Legends (4)
- Urban legends reference sites.
Able2Know Ask an Expert
Able2Know.org - A free ask an expert website.
snopes.com - Urban Legends Reference Pages.
Questia Online Library
Questia.com - The Internet's Largest Library.
The preeminent Internet publisher of literature reference and verse.
Librarians' Index to the Internet
Librarians' Index to the Internet
The definitive guide to the best online colleges, including information on choosing a degree plan.
The Internet Public Library
ipl.org - Project seeks to challenge and redefine the roles and significance of libraries in an increasingly distributed and digital world.
AIM Manufacturing Videos
manufacturing.stanford.edu -Virtual factory tour of over 40 products and processes. Learn how things are made. Contains almost four hours of manufacturing video.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
bls.com - The Bureau of Labor Statistics is the principal fact-finding agency for the Federal Government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics.
freefulltext.com - Direct links to scholarly periodicals which allow some or all of their online content to be viewed.
Guinness Book Of World Records
guinnessworldrecords.com - Guinness Book Of World Records.
"refdesk.com - indexes and reviews quality
Search Systems
Free Searchable Public Record Databases.
Teacher Organization
busyteacherscafe.com - Organization and time usage tips for the busy teacher.
Textbook Revolution
textbookrevolution.org - A collection of existing free textbooks and educational tools available online.