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CleanFilms.com - No Sex. No Profanity. No Nudity. Less Violence. Rent edited DVDs from CleanFilms.com
Brandcameo - Product Placement in Movies
brandchannel.com - Frequently updated compilation that watches the brands in current movies
Classic Movie Musicals
classicmoviemusicals.com - Database of movie musicals.
Classical and Opera Music Used in Movies
bohemianopera.com - A listing of classical and opera music used in selected films. Browsable by movie title or composer.
Cult Film Site
sepnet.com - Unusual and hard-to-find films and TV shows on video
DVD Avenue
Rent DVDs. Live on the East Coast? DVD AVENUE ships from Maryland.
earlycinema.com - Information about the first decade of cinema. Provides details of pioneers including the Lumiere brothers and technologies such as the Zoetrope.
Empire's 50 Greatest Independent Films
empireonline.co.uk - Online version of the British film magazine.
Film Festivals
filmfestivals.com - Previous and upcoming film festivals from all over the world
GreenCine - French New Wave
greencine.com - Overview of the film movement that was generally thought to be at its peak in France between 1958 and 1964.
iClassics - DVD & VHS
iclassics.com - Buy DVDs and videos.
Kung Fu Cult Cinema
kfccinema.com - Site provides up-to-date news coverage and the latest reviews of previous and recent films from the world of Asian Cinema.
Movie Review Query Engine
Movie Review Query Engine
Movie-O: Movies Based on True Stories
chasingthefrog.com - Examine the fascinating real-life tales behind many films
scifimovies.com - Resource directory for science fiction movies on the web.
shillPages - Movie Title Screens Page
shillpages.com - A catalog of the title screens of over 2800 movies
slipups.com - Bloopers in movies and more.
Star Wars I II III IV V VI
starwars.com - Extensive site with in-depth information about the Star Wars films.